[Sigia-l] RE: Data vs. Information

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Mon Jan 6 22:03:10 EST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On
> Behalf Of Thomas Vander Wal

> Since most of us interact with these folks, if not where these hats
> it is good to know the difference so that we can intelligently
> converse with fields we need to embrace to do our jobs well.

Looking down from the 64-thousand feet level, data and information are
clearly distinguishable. But as we descent closer and closer to the
ground level, the distinction becomes more and more difficult to

> The lines between data and information are blurred at best. 

Thus, trying to draw a clear line between the two is futile.


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