[Sigia-l] RE: Data vs. Information

Carol Butler carolbutler at attbi.com
Tue Jan 7 05:53:13 EST 2003

I'd suggest this modification to the definition of information presented by
"Information is what we are able to extract from the flow of experience."

The information doesn't need to be extracted or known by someone to exist.
The information is contained in the flow of experience -- but we need to
extract it through observation or measurement in order to access it.  This
is a good way to think about it because we aren't always extracting the most
valuable information or the right information in the right way.

The sales team has access to some bits of information because they are
directly involved in the one-to-one interaction with the customer.  The
company or management may not have access to that information because they
have not bothered to "extract" it.  There is additional information the
sales team may not be aware of because they have no access to aggregate data
that would provide additional context/perspective to make what they do know
more meaningful.

The aggregation of that information is one example of "data in context" that
Mike referred to.  So is the data the sales team knows because of a passing
comment made in conversation with the client (e.g., the reason a particular
competitor is appealing).  I think there are many similarities between
calling information "data in context" and "what we are able to extract from
the flow of experience."  In any case, I wholehardedly agree that data alone
is not really information.

Carol Butler

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