[Sigia-l] meta data and content inventories?

Margaret Hanley mairead at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 3 08:36:35 EST 2003

Hey Eric,

Just noticed the post after travelling for the last couple
of days.

In the content inventory for the work we are doing at the
BBC, we collect the metadata attached to each page. I am
interested in the way that people are describing the
content using these fields, including the specifity of the
terms (not very specific), if they are using generic labels
(and they are) and if they are using variants (not really).

My aim is to try and understand the patterns now, before we
migrate some of the content into a content management
system. Of course the metadata in the content management
system will be used mainly for internal searching and
browsing and for contextual navigation creation; not
specifically for external search engines. 

Though in discussion with the search team, they would like
to use the metadata that will be added via the CMS as the
basis of search engine readable tags.

I hate to admit but we are using Excel for analysis. Well
it works and everyone has it on their machine.


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