[Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms

Jesse James Garrett jjg at jjg.net
Sat Feb 22 17:01:03 EST 2003

m o r r y wrote:
> Is Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs called a title, a salutation or some other name?

I had thought this was called an honorific, but that word appears to
apply only to those titles that denote elevated social status (e.g.,
Sir, Count, Baroness, etc.).

The American Heritage dictionary refers to Mr./Mrs./Ms. as "courtesy
titles"; Merriam-Webster uses the slightly more awkward "conventional
titles of courtesy".

Jesse James Garrett                                   Now in bookstores:
jjg at jjg.net                            "The Elements of User Experience"
http://www.jjg.net/                         http://www.jjg.net/elements/

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