[Sigia-l] tenets, principles, standards, etc ...

David Heller dh at htmhell.com
Wed Dec 24 16:32:40 EST 2003

Me > It is about protecting consumers.

Z> So, presumably, licensed IAs using standardized stuff like doing
navbars on the left, links in blue and sitemaps in Visio protect

Z> I'm willing to bet a tall glass of eggnog that even you don't believe

You win!, but I did just say that IA shouldn't be licensed. 

Licensing as far as Journalism goes could be similar to the Bar in that
it assumes expertise in the area, but it also holds the owner of the
license to a governable code of ethics. Maybe there could have been more
action regarding the NYTimes scandal a few months ago if in some way
journalists as a community were held more accountable in that sort of
way. ... But this is now bordering on off topic (did I say

Seriously though I did say that IA shouldn't be licensable.

I do think there are better ways for IAs to prove themselves as a viable
and valuable discipline other than licensing. Actually if anything doing
this should come before the licensing piece if it was ever found that it
was needed.

-- dave

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