IA Standards (was RE: [Sigia-l] AIfIA Goals 2004 Survey Results)

David Heller dh at htmhell.com
Fri Dec 19 11:30:23 EST 2003

Maybe we need to have a starting base about what is a standard.
To me a standard is simply something that is defined and can be passed on
from one group/individual to another so that it can be repeated with minimal
mutation. Of course there are always interpretations here (just look at
HTML), but the ideas are communicatable in some form or another.

I would call Contextual Inquiry a standard for example. Does everyone do it
the same way? Of course not, but it is an easy to learn starting point for
further adaptation using a singular point of reference.

I realize this is not the same use of the term that lets say the ISO would
use, but for our very fluid needs I think it good.

Like Donna I also believe in a grab bag approach, but I do believe that
breaking the perceiption of "magic" in our discipline is of the highest
importance, and PR and education seem to be on the order of smoke and
mirrors instead of substance. Remember in the late nineties when EVERY
agency web site had some redrawing of some diagram of their methodologies.
No one fell for it and look where we are today.

-- dave

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