[Sigia-l] IA, Metrics & org structure

Michael Rabjohns michael_rabjohns at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 3 09:36:58 EST 2003

Our firm is considering restructuring its web team, and I'm curious to know
which org structures other firms have chosen, and whether or not they're
working. In particular, we're debating how the IA and Metrics (aka
Measurement & Analytics) teams should relate - both on same level, one
reporting to the other, etc.)

Where did IA fit in the organizations you've worked at? Here are a few

IA, Usability and Metrics report to higher-level manager responsible for
entire web team

IA reports to Metrics

IA reports to Creative

IA reports to IT


Please respond to me offlist at michael_rabjohns at hotmail.com. I'll post the
results (without giving company names) by the end of the week.


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