[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sat Aug 16 17:25:56 EDT 2003

"David Heller" wrote:

> Ah! I think we are talking about different types of workflow. Why did
> you assume that there was an outside client? I wasn't really concerned
> w/ presenting to outside stakeholders as much as transfering knowledge
> and documenting that knowledge and turning assets into prototypes. The
> latter is the largest problem I see starting w/ analog and moving into
> digital and having everything connected.

Actually, we are talking about the same workflow. The "client" can be an
external BigCo or the marketing dept of the same company. The problem is
having to deal with analog, as you put it, when digital is accessible and
quite capable of doing the job. Unless you are going to end up with the
post-its and gum, those contraptions will have to be converted to digital at
some point anyway, more likely you'll probably have to maintain two sets of
(analog/digital) assets at any given moment. My contention is that unless
you are thinking aloud (by yourself or with another person) at your desk,
there really is not much of a reason to mess with analog stuff to begin
with, external or internal. What's good/better about digital is that it
scales infinitely better than analog: it integrates asset management,
documentation, presentation, commentary and edit trails in a way that analog
just can't match. So why bother with the cellulose stuff at all?

Nullius in Verba 

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