[Sigia-l] RE: Apple as enterprise technology (was tool standardization)

Todd R.Warfel lists at mk27.com
Thu Aug 14 10:35:25 EDT 2003

You forgot the very first enterprise level application server: 
WebObjects. Originally built by NEXT (Steve's company during his hiatus 
from Apple), now owned by Apple. WebObjects is most common in 
eCommerce, Financial, Government, and Media Services industries. Bar 
none, it has the best development toolset for an application server. 
Even developers who don't use it will admit that. But of course, since 
Apple owns it, it can be a tough sell for MS shops. And Apple doesn't 
do a very good job at marketing it.

And then there's XServe, which is making headway into the enterprise 
server market.

But most notably is still WebObjects.

But to bring it back on track, perhaps if MM, Adobe, et al. did some 
marketing of their tools for this type of work, Visio wouldn't be so 
dominant. Or if OmniGraffle came to Windows...

On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 5:50 PM, David Heller wrote:

> The technologies that I would call enterprise are:
> Oracle
> Siemens
> PeopleSoft
> Documentum
> Sybase
> Sun iPlanet
> (OK, MS is starting to enter this world)
> Where is Apple? Are you equating Linux w/ Apple?


Todd R. Warfel

Message first: a user experience consultancy
User Experience Architect
[P] (607) 339-9640
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