[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Stewart Dean stewart at webslave.dircon.co.uk
Wed Aug 13 19:54:32 EDT 2003

I'm personally just learning freehand as it does have some great advantages 
as David pointed out. As a contractor I will no doubt be using Visio again 
in the future - but that I'll have to live with.

I was just going back over the tools I use for site maps and wireframes 
when it struck me on a couple of projects I used a white board in a 'war 
room' in order to track the changes on a project. I took pictures of it 
using a digital camera and hand copied it out into some program or other 
(think it was flash) but, in essence, the version on the white board was 
the deliverable. Good for intense projects. I built the wireframes using 
Dreamweaver but let's not go there for now.

Have others done white board based projects?

Stewart Dean
User Experience Thingie

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