[Sigia-l] ballot usability redux

Whitney Quesenbery wq2 at sufficiently.com
Mon Aug 11 08:20:45 EDT 2003

At 02:28 AM 8/11/2003 -0400, James Spahr wrote:
>If most states are like New York -- then they already do. Ballots in NYC 
>(and Long Island -- they only 2 places where I have voted) contain local, 
>regional, state and national election data on them. That means each voting 
>district has a slightly different ballot than it's neighboring district.

And each voting district has a county clerk or other local official who 
prepares and vets each ballot design.

That is very different from randomly generated ballot pages.

And...with punch card readers, how would you ever count them?

Whitney Quesenbery
Whitney Interactive Design, LLC
w. www.WQusability.com
e. whitneyq at wqusability.com
p. 908-638-5467

UPA  - www.upassoc.org
STC Usability SIG: www.stcsig.org/usability

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