[Sigia-l] Are you ready for it?

infoarchitect at ourbrisbane.com infoarchitect at ourbrisbane.com
Tue Aug 5 02:22:58 EDT 2003

Quoting Listera <listera at rcn.com>: 
>         "I have met the enemy and he is us."

Yay!  Yet another name to perpetuate the very problem Tog has tried to encapsulate! :P

Yes, it is a problem.  What do we call ourselves?  Depending on the contract, in the past few 
years I have been given the title of:
User Interface Designer
Usability Engineer
Human Factors Engineer
Information Architect
Human Computer Interaction Specialist
Accessibility Consultant
User Experience Architect
User Experience Designer
User Centred Designer
...and my current title:
Business Analyst - User Experience Specialist

All these names for a guy that just wants to do Human Factors... :P  Oh well, nobody knows 
what Human Factors is (in industry), so I'll wear whatever name they want as long as they pay 
the money and let me do my thing. ;)


Ash Donaldson
(choose title from above)

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