[Sigia-l] Programming IAs was: Little things an IA MUST know/do

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Apr 25 15:29:17 EDT 2003

"Eric Reiss" wrote:
> I never avoided it, I just never learned it, thank you very much. By
> the time HTML came along, my work involved far less day-to-day
> programming. 

Yes, but HTML is not programming, it's a markup language, as the name
implies. That is, HTML (and its variants) gives shape/structure to
information and is the glue to the navigational and interactive experience
the user has with information. I don't see how you can make 'strategic'
decisions about these (if your work does involve them) without the benefit
of knowing something about the glue that binds all.

> Knowing HTML doesn't make me less of an IA - but it doesnt' make me more of an
> IA either.

Sure does. Take the last example discussed here re:Flash, the Cannon site. I
just don't see how you can contribute to an internal discussion on this
issue (regarding layout, storage, transmission, efficiency, processing,
resource allocation, maintainability, speed, navigation and ultimately the
user experience) without knowing HTML and/or Flash.

Unless you delusionally believe that those who do know HTML/Flash can't
possibly engage in 'strategic' thinking, your lack of knowledge on the basic
currency of the mechanics involved here would render you disadvantaged.

As an IA you are often put into a position of selling your strategic
solutions to other interested parties, like designers, developers, the
marketing department, etc. It *always* helps if you can use their language
while persuading them; it *always* hurts if you don't understand what they
are talking about.

Nullius in Verba 

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