[Sigia-l] Programming IAs was: Little things an IA MUST know/do

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Apr 24 17:51:57 EDT 2003

"Todd R. Warfel" wrote:

> So, are you saying that telling them to focus on the product should be
> enough? 

Enough for what?

> A simply yes, or no would suffice.

In a deposition hearing or a cross examination maybe. :-)

Over the years, every time various members of a production team had problems
I always told them to focus on the product, not just on their small niche.
Sometimes when one focuses (literally sits down and concentrates) on the
product, issues and problems they might be having with their own niche can
be more easily and quickly solved, because (overall) product constraints
eliminate options in their niche.
> Can we have a relevant discussion here? Am I talking to myself?

It's as silly as the Dilbertian example you started with.
> That doesn't mean they need to know, or should know C++ or Java.

Has anyone yet said they need to?

Nullius in Verba 

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