[Sigia-l] Where Can You Rent User Testing Labs

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Apr 24 14:09:51 EDT 2003

"Todd R.Warfel" wrote:

> You're relying on their interpretation of what's
> going on, vs. actually observing what they're doing.

Spot on.

"Amy Kahn" wrote:

> I agree with you here; on-site testing is generally best. However, in
> the interest of budget and time,

That's an odd way of compromising.

> this is a reliable,

How so?

> tested

By whom?

> method of off-site testing. Different animal altogether.

It sure is a different phylum. Surely you derive information from an IRC
session, but I'm not sure what sort of *testing* it constitutes.
> One more thing - using a tool like IRC provides realtime feedback. As a
> user is completing a task, he is encouraged to comment then and there,
> rather than waiting for an exit interview. I see this as a huge
> advantage.

Compared to what? Just asking the subject a (real-time) question in person?

Nullius in Verba 

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