[Sigia-l] Facets, Flash, and Fun

zapolsja at WellsFargo.COM zapolsja at WellsFargo.COM
Tue Apr 22 16:18:15 EDT 2003

Say, you can even do it with checking accounts (if you have netscape or a
PC):  http://www.wellsfargo.com/per/checking_savings/checking/checking.jhtml

Click on the 'interactive account comparison' on the right-hand side.


p.s.  BTW, I wasn't involved in this.    

	Chris wrote:
> Here is another Flash tool (another camera-selector tool!) that I was
> quite impressed with. I like the fact that when it loads it gives you a
> subtle little animated demo on how to use it.
>  <http://www.powershot.com/powershot2/comparison/index.html>

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