[Sigia-l] New to the List - Hello

Windsweeper Communications windsweepercommunications at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 11:46:07 EDT 2003


I would like to take a moment to introduce myself
to those on the list.  

I am Roger Early.  I am a Web Content Specialist
for Micron Technology, Inc. (www.micron.com).  I
also work on consulting projects of all types,
especially software Help, through Windsweeper
(www.windsweepercommunications.com).  I am a
member of the Society for Technical

I have enjoyed seeing the posts to the list since
I joined a week ago and I am already receiving
valuable insight into the emerging IA field.

I look forward to seeing more and eventually
becoming a part of the discussions.

Roger Early

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