[Sigia-l] Intranet as desktop?

Hilary Marsh hilary at contentcompany.biz
Wed Apr 16 10:09:35 EDT 2003

For the intranet project I recently completed, employees did have to 
go through the intranet to get to their email/calendar application 
(iNotes). They were used to this, though, because before this first 
Web-based intranet they had used an integrated system that combined 
email, calendar, business reports, phone book and a content 
repository. The old system was ugly, limited and rigidly 
hierarchical, but it certainly did a lot!

IMO, an intranet can serve as an employee's desktop IF it is a single 
sign-on portal to everything they need.

The values to the company of having all this information integrated include:

*it's impossible for an employee to miss a crucial piece of news
* the company can build in features that lead to knowledge management 
by being able to see and track all the documents an employee is 
involved with.

My 2 cents.


At 8:58 AM -0500 4/16/03, Katie Ware wrote:
>Has anyone worked on a project (or even experienced as a user) an 
>intranet that has been designed to become the user's desktop? Where 
>access to things like email, calendar, bus apps (like Word, Excel), 
>lunch menus, HR, as well as company info through portals (e.g., 
>snapshots of financial performance, daily sales). The idea is the 
>user has all they need to do their job from the Intranet.
>What I'm wondering is how this plays out - do users make the shift 
>to using the Intranet as a launching point for all things work 
>thanks -

Hilary Marsh
content company inc
plan  *  create  *  manage

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