[Sigia-l] Sigh... What happened to this list?

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Tue Apr 15 14:51:37 EDT 2003

> > Can anyone suggest a living community with acctual IA relevans?
> There's nobody stopping you from *starting* threads yourself that you think
> are relevant to IA. Why don't you give it a shot and let us see.

I suspect the person who made this comment wouldn't disagree.

But the issue is not about starting threads. Nor is it about the
topics of those threads. The issue is about the responses.

The current perception is that if you post to SIGIA someone will
start snarking. You may get something helpful, but you are just as
likely to spark some irrelevant skirmish. Or perhaps it is relevant,
but it's been seen a zillion times on this list and it's tiring.

I would suggest that the level of discourse on SIGIA remains at a
reasonably high level (not everyone will agree with that!).

However, the *tone* of that discourse has slowly grown more
antagonistic, defensive, and cynical. That makes being part of this
community less enjoyable, less fun, less helpful, and tiring.

To an increasing number of people, participation on SIGIA is a
draining experience, not an enriching or energizing one.


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