[Sigia-l] Sigh... What happened to this list? (Was: Visio feature improvements)

Bram Dijkshoorn Bram.Dijkshoorn at informaat.nl
Tue Apr 15 11:07:36 EDT 2003

Stig Andersen wrote:
: This thread was the drop that filled the glass for me! 
: Some time ago this was a great forum for relevant IA discussions and
: knowledge sharing. However - the amount of posts, disputatious and
: argumentative to the point of the meaningless (for the majority of list
: members), have become way too high. Sadly, as I don't know where else to
: turn.
: Can anyone suggest a living community with acctual IA relevans? I'll
: unsubscribe shortly.

Stig, I agree. I often find dozens of contributions in my SIGIA listbox, only to conclude (after time consuming scans) that very few were actually worth the trouble of reading.

You could try the (European) Information Design Café, although that doesn't have too many typical IA threads. The contributions rarely lack quality though:



bram.dijkshoorn at informaat.nl
Informaat, Baarn, The Netherlands 
T +31 35 543 1222
M +31 6 515 48379

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