[Sigia-l] strategy to mocking wireframes?

Gunnar Langemark gunnar at langemark.com
Sun Apr 13 04:42:33 EDT 2003

> > What's your experience with constructing wireframe mockups?
> Work product. Not for clients.

Small scale projects may be able to "leap" forward if you're able to
produce a small functional prototype for the client.
(but beware - don't leap too early - I just had a client turn down part
of a project because we were way too advanced in our thinking - and
thought we could move fast forward, without consulting with the client.
Big mistake. :-( )

> > How do you know whether it should be use-case driven or info-map driven?
> Neither. A prototype should focus on the *end product*, which is a composite
> of branding, technical resources, business objectives, current

Is this an either or?
A few use cases can uncover lots of stuff that info-maps do not. 
Prototyping is - in my experience - good for the application development
stuff - especially if you have a good grasp of the content, and want to
"work" the interaction design and the information design. For that
purpose I need a functional mockup, and the totality of the content does
not matter as much.
Information and interaction is not the same.


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