[Sigia-l] Feedback

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Apr 9 16:27:09 EDT 2003

> we do welcome specific and _constructive_ feedback

I'd like to take this out of the Yahoo/B&A/EH(1)/etc context, as I am not
interested in discussing specific sites and there's no need to get people

But I take umbrage at the notion of rejecting 'criticism' if it's not
'specific' and/or 'constructive'. That's nonsense. One should take criticism
anyway one can get it. And one should worry when one stops getting
criticism. Criticism, of any kind whatsoever, is a gift from one's audience.
It tells one, above all, that people cared enough to form an opinion. One
may not like it, but there it is. There's no law that prevents one from
simply ignoring (any) criticism. There's also no plausible explanation for
demanding that the user must do *our* homework, by providing remedies to our
problems in the form a 'criticism'. One would think that's our job. I often
find that people, companies and organizations that are not receptive to
criticism (of all kinds) are brittle and they squander a great resource, as
every critic brings to the table at least a kernel of truth, however small
it may be.

Nullius in Verba 

(1) I may be the only one on the planet who spotted something at EH and did
something about it, other than Christina. :-)

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