[Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Wed Apr 9 03:28:57 EDT 2003

At 10:30 AM 09-04-03, Christina Wodtke wrote:
>Gosh, some people are sour--

Not at all. I may have forgotten to include a smiley, but I have nothing to 
be sour about.

>We needed a site to show that wouldn't sue us that wasn't Yahoo-- it was
>recommended I use my blog,

I see. Well... I'm not a mind reader you know. The original poster said it 
was a "plug" for B&A, so I opined that if that were the intention, it 
wasn't particularly well-targeted.

No biggie.


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Madhu Menon
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