[Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

Michael Hinnant michael.hinnant at infospace.com
Tue Apr 8 14:41:59 EDT 2003

tom smith said:

> I also like the fact that they've made an attempt to visually 
> communicate "open in a new window"...their little icon may become the 
> standard, you never know...I also like the fact that results are 
> numbered (did google's used to be?)

Well, I don't know about creating a standard, but I do remember seeing that same icon and "open in a new window" functionality on several search sites about 5 or 6 years ago... I think it was on HotBot and maybe AltaVista? My memory of sites in the mid-nineties is getting fuzzy, but I remember several icons attached to someone's search results, one of them looking and functioning exactly like the yahoo icon.

Michael Hinnant | Information Architect

Wireless User Experience Group | InfoSpace Inc

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