[Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

Jenn Coonce jenn at panix.com
Mon Apr 7 15:47:26 EDT 2003

There's always the option of having a search engine (or search engine-like)
site automatically open up the page in a new window. This travel portal site
has always done it that way:


I suppose that the ideal would be to have an option to set a preference,
just like yahoo has the option to turn on the "open in a new browser"
option, but I would think that automatically opening would be the default,
when people are hunting for something, as many people have suggested in this

I like the icon on yahoo, but I would not remember to click on it -- it
would be much easier for me to just right click and open in a new window
that to re-train myself.

Jenn Coonce

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D." <smaccall at bama.ua.edu>
To: <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search

> I like your theoretical reponse!!! ... however, when I saw the icon for
> opening a link in a new window for the first time, I had to look up its
> meaning by clicking on the "taking the tour" link (yea, I know, I could
> clicked on the link!, but I had several questions to look up in addition
> the meaning of that icon.)  ...
> I guess my two steps for opening a link (right click and selecting from
> menu) is just the best way *for me* to transparently operate in the WWW
> environment regardless of app  ...
> I guess that brings up another theoretical issue: should we slavishly
> to the # of clicks metric ... if so, what's the role of transparency (NOT
> opaqueness, as stated below) when quantitatively evaluating productive app
> use????  (Karl, there's a disseratation topic for ya...). Are there
> (or measurement methodologies) out there already??
> best,
> slm
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason Valdina (E-mail 2)" <signal at received.com>
> To: <sigia-l at asis.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 2:18 PM
> Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search
> > Let me be clear(er):
> > The "Killer App" here is not simply the ability to control whether or
> > results open in a new window;  rather it is more the opaque attitude
> > to the task of opening a link from a list of results.
> >
> > The previous approach of considering this an option you can toggle on
> > preferences page at Google makes the function completely transparent to
> the
> > user, and turns it into a 5 step process once, rather than a single step
> > every time the user wants to achieve such a display of results.
> >
> > Even the "power user", as I called them/us, who right or control clicks
> a
> > link, experiences a two step process to achieve such a display of
> >
> > What I find "killer" about Yahoo! approach is this:
> > bringing this option to the surface of the interface,
> > in the form of an icon,
> > embedding it into the anatomy and format of every result,
> > making it completely opaque to the user all the time at very little cost
> in
> > terms of screen real estate taxonomic clutter.
> >
> > it's simple, but a certain degree of innovation both in terms of
> > and information architecture is worth applauding...
> >
> > ___________________________
> > Jason Valdina
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D.
> > Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 2:52 PM
> > To: fabrizio ulisse; sigia-l at asis.org
> > Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] new Yahoo! search
> >
> >
> > Bill Gates introduced it some time ago, too, with right mouseclick &
> > in new window" ... how 'bout that: consistency across all web apps ...
> (yea,
> > I know it's somehow available to Mac users, too ... hold down mouse
> > and wait for menu to appear??)
> >
> > I guess the interesting "theoretical question" ('scare quotes,' to some
> > you), is whether the presence or absence of such an option is really a
> > labeling/navigation issue or an information architectural issue.
> >
> > ------------
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> >
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