[Sigia-l] IA gatherings in Amsterdam in April?

Peter Boersma peter.boersma at ezgov.com
Fri Apr 4 12:35:32 EST 2003

Joe Lamantia asked:
> Peter,
> Is there an Amsterdam IA gathering coming up anytime soon?

And since he copied SIGIA-L, I thought I'd share the news: Yes, there will
be another IA cocktail hour in Amsterdam soon!

Last month's event was unique because it was the first out-of-Amsterdam
experience for this community (thanks to Florian for putting that
together!). Well, this month's cocktail hour also features a new concept:


(How's that for integrating the disciplines of marketing and information
architecture? :-))

EzGov (yes, my employer) offered to sponsor this month's event knowing that
offering free drinks might attract some new attendees, and new attendees
possibly means new hires: EzGov is looking for candidates to fill a small
number of Information Architect positions.

So, free drinks for April's IA Cocktail Hour in Amsterdam!

where: Cafe/restaurant BonTon
when: Wednesday, April 16, 2003
time: 6PM onwards

For more information on BonTon, see:
(may require subscription and/or Yahoo! account)

For subscribing to the Yahoo!Group and receive these messages slightly
earlier, see:

I hope to see you there, and I'd appreciate a message saying you intend to
come to the event.

Peter Boersma, Senior Information Architect, EzGov
"De Schinkel", Rijnsburgstraat 11, Amsterdam, 1059 AT, The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)20 7133881 / Fax: +31(0)20 7133799 / Mobile: +31(0)6 15072747
mailto:peter.boersma at ezgov.com / http://www.europe.ezgov.com

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