[Sigia-l] Information-centered Design (was I Want My GUT ofInformation Arc hitecture!)

Nuno Lopes nbplopes at netcabo.pt
Fri Apr 4 11:48:38 EST 2003

Hi all once again.

Daniel wrote:

>I have come to realize my passion is to enable people to make good
>decisions.  Matthew's description of the single "furniture site"
relates to >that vision. Why have one site? It's in one site so that all
the >information is brought together so that people can make good
>It doesn't have to necessarily be a "site;" it could be an application
that >collects the information from the web and does the same. In
effect, the >application, or single site, operates as a personal
decision support 

That is a big leap of perception. Centralized does not mean consolidated
neither it implies consolidation.

Talk to any expert on Data Mining and he/she can probably explain it
better then I have time at the moment. Apart from this, there are
normalization issues (when you normalize you often loose information),
here again talk to any expert on Data Quality.

Ouch I just remembered of an interesting term, Information Mining. 

Joe 10 wrote:

>I think RDF may have promise as the basis for polymorphous information

Maybe I'm on IT business for too long but as I see it the problems are
in those crazy Ontologies that we need to create and those damn things
called Interfaces, not in the language. I think RDF is an excellent
language to use in the definition of cross platform (multiple OS,
Networks, etc) Ontologies, but the problem of consolidating information
(at the level of information) is barely in that scope IMHO.

That is why we have initiatives like the Dublin Core amongst others.

Best regards,

Nuno Lopes


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