[Sigia-l] "best bets": trademarked? other names?

Louis Rosenfeld lou at louisrosenfeld.com
Thu Sep 26 22:49:17 EDT 2002

On 9/26/02 8:06 AM, "Bill VanLoo" <bill at i33.com> wrote:

[stuff deleted] 
> Now, when I'd first heard of these from Lou Rosenfeld, he mentioned that
> "Best Bets" originated at Microsoft. My question: does Microsoft own a
> patent or trademark on this technique or the name "Best Bets"? If not, I'd
> like to call ours "Best Bets" in hopes that users will be familiar with the
> term from other sites (read: microsoft.com). If they do own a
> trademark/patent, I'll gladly take suggestions for alternate names.

Slight correction:  they didn't originate at Microsoft, I just happen to
know a bit about how it's done there thanks to writing a case study on MS in
our book.  Apologies if I ever made it sound that way; tweren't my intent...

Louis Rosenfeld
information architecture consulting

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