[Sigia-l] Re: printing question

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Tue Sep 24 02:10:46 EDT 2002

At 02:58 AM 24-09-02, Amy Kahn wrote:
>I know many of you are anti-popup, but when it comes to printer-friendly
>versions of documents,

This may seem weird, but I actually click on the "printer friendly" link 
for reasons not related to printing the article:

1) It often saves me from going from page to page. I'd rather see it all in 
one place. The printer version usually does this (though I've seen stupid 
sites that give you a printable version only for the page you're on).

2) It helps me read the article without the persistent visual distraction 
from nav bars, thousands of ads, and even "related articles", "today on 
xyz.com", "top stories", link diarrhoea (see 
http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/05/16/020516hnvmware.xml - the 
printer version doesn't have all those annoying hyperlinks) and all the 
other crud I want to avoid *while* I'm reading the article. (e.g., 
http://www.internetnews.com/isp-news/article.php/1468581 - somebody teach 
that designer what "white space" means)

Hands up anyone else who does the same.

For a person like me, popping up an automatic print menu through Javascript 
is very annoying.

>I find that popping up a PDF does the trick

No, please, not PDFs. Nooooooo! What's wrong with HTML? :p



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Madhu Menon
Internet User Experience Consultant

Content * Interfaces * Usability * Net Strategy

Weblog: http://madman.weblogs.com

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