[Sigia-l] Conceptual Model / Decision Tables

Jan Paice alkemik at virgilio.it
Sun Sep 15 14:58:24 EDT 2002

Hi Everybody,

I just read the very enlightning article by the marvellous Christina Wodke
"Defining I.A. Deliverables" at http://www.webmasterbase.com/article/326/15
and enjoyed very much in seeing daily issues from her expert point of view.

Yet, being the article an overall introduction to the topic, I gained also
a quite good curiosity especially about the first and the last deliverables
described in the item:

could you help me then to better focus Conceptual Model and Decision Tables?
Are there online resources where I can find more details on these I.A. deliverables?

Thank you in advance,

Jan Paice

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