[Sigia-l] Product for "automated information qualification"?!

Louis Rosenfeld lou at louisrosenfeld.com
Fri Sep 6 17:41:18 EDT 2002

On 9/6/02 3:47 PM, "Steven Champeon" <schampeo at hesketh.com> wrote:

> on Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 10:02:26AM -0400, Louis Rosenfeld wrote:
>> I'm with Fred: these sort of claims annoy the hell out of me. But in
>> the long run, tool vendors are actually helping IAs by investing
>> marketing dollars in the same problem space that we are trying to
>> reach. The rising tide of information overload awareness should raise
>> our boat, especially if we can combine our human input with these cool
>> new tools.
> I wish I could be as optimistic as Lou is here, but don't forget the
> other risk - backlash from people who've been sold a bill of goods by
> unscrupulous thieves and who will then associate any such claims with
> deceit, rather than waste time differentiating between the thieves and
> the honest folks.

True, true.  And then there are the people who, burned by what appeared to
be a silver bullet, don't accrue any "learnings," and instead go out and
purchase another silver bullet.

But ultimately, the universe of potential IA clients seems progressively
larger and smarter.  Some of that can be explained by increased experience
with IT in general, some by greater exposure to problems of information
overload.  But I do get the impression that some IA gets sold to people who
belong to a market that was initially educated courtesty the marketing
budgets of Verity, Autonomy, and so on.


PS  Steve, nice to have you on SIGIA-L, lurking or not.

Louis Rosenfeld
information architecture consulting

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