SV: [Sigia-l] logo as link to home

Richard Wiggins rich at
Thu Sep 5 07:10:14 EDT 2002

Has anyone done any testing to verify the proposition that most users
understand that the corporate logo is a link back to the home page?  Any
citations to articles on this topic?

I'm part of a committee that's looking at best practices in university Web
design.  We sit in a room together and do group surfing.  Different folks
"drive" at different times.  You'd be amazed how often one of the drivers
has to be coached on a navigational aid that was assumed to be "obvious" by
the designer.  I know I've told many people that the logo is a link home
many times.

Think back to 1993 when inline images that were hyperlinks were obvious
because they all had borders around them.  Then the design community took
over and removed hyperlink borders and underscores.  Today when I'm at, say,
a newspaper site, I find myself rolling over each element (section name,
headline, photos, callout heads, etc.) to find out if it's a hyperlink or
not.  And that doesn't always work (e.g. some links implemented in

I'd want to see a usability study (real user observation, not just analysis)
before concluding that most users now instinctively click on the logo to go


Stig Andersen DR-INTERAKTIV wrote:

> I believe the concept of using a corp. logo as link to 'Home' is understood
> by most users, as it has become widely used -- a convention. But it's a
> precondition that the users recognise your logo. If it's not a strong brand
> and easy to spot, it wont work. Also you should try and convince the
> designers to place it in the upper left corner. Remember the ALT-text.
> Best regards
> Stig Andersen
> DR/Danish Broadcasting Corporation
> Informationsarkitekt/Senior Information Architect
> P: +45 35 20 33 35
> M: +45 23 42 36 77
> E: stan at
> IA tip of the day:
> The first step in the web design process is to define the site's goals.
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: m o r r y [mailto:morry at] 
> Sendt: 4. september 2002 04:52
> Til: sigia-l at
> Emne: [Sigia-l] log as link to home
> What's the conventional wisdom on using a logo as the link to home?
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Richard Wiggins
Writing, Speaking, and Consulting on Internet Topics
rich at     

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