[Sigia-l] your'e invited- ART OF THE PROPOSAL- NYC

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Oct 31 17:38:43 EST 2002

"Andrew Hinton" wrote:

>> Take this example, for instance. The poster, instead of saying prototyping
>> can be "generally inadvisable" (wireframe), comes right out and says it's
>> "just dumb" (prototype), under fabricated conditions. There's no ambiguity
>> and "imaginative work on the part of the user" is not required, which is
>> good. This way I can ascertain more quickly how wrong the poster was.
> I, the poster in question, didn't say prototyping is dumb. I said that
> skipping all the other steps and going straight to high-fidelity prototyping
> is dumb. Prototyping = good. Skipping = dumb.

I didn't say you did. I think banging on your bare fingers with a hammer is
just dumb too, but that doesn't say much about a hammer. Just because one
favors prototypes why would anyone immediately assume "skipping all the
other steps and going straight to high-fidelity prototyping"? That's why I
used the term "under fabricated conditions" above.

But since you say "Prototyping = good" I'll end with that :-)



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