[Sigia-l] FW: FC: Judge rules Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't cover web

Zims zimsby at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 14:59:42 EST 2002

The standards also apply to sites *funded* by federal
organizations.  We received a government grant for a
redesign of our healthcare nonprofit, and we're
required to develop the site in compliance with the
section 508 guidelines.

There was a recent discussion about this on another
list.  People were split down the middle on whether
the ruling was just.  Some of the points discussed
included the fact that following the accessibility
guidelines for disabled users makes good design &
usability sense for everyone.  It advocates adherence
to web standards and simplification where possible. 
It's also not that expensive to implement on a basic
level.  The guidelines cover things like:

Text Tags
Multimedia Presentations
Serve-Side Image Maps
Client-Side Image Maps
Data Table
Flicker Rate
Text-Only Alternative
Applets and Plug-Ins
Electronic Forms
Navigation Links
Time Delays

There's a fairly simple explanation of these
requirements at
http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/guide/1194.22.htm .


--- noreen whysel <nwhysel at hotmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I know the only Federal regulations on
> usability apply to websites 
> of the federal government.  The text of the
> regulations are located at:
> http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/508standards.htm
> There is also a lot of interesting government
> usability info produced by the 
> National Cancer Insititute, of all places, at:
> http://usability.gov
> Noreen Whysel
> >From: "Jody A. Hankinson" <hank99 at bway.net>
> >To: <sigia-l at asis.org>
> >Subject: [Sigia-l] FW: FC: Judge rules Americans
> with Disabilities Act 
> >doesn't cover web
> >Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 12:19:28 -0500
> >
> >Does anyone know any more about this? Seems as
> though it would have some
> >pretty big implications on our practice.
> >
> >  - Jody
> >
> >Jody A. Hankinson
> >    Information Architect ......| Interpreting
> strategy and processes
> >e: hank99 at bway.net             | into Internet
> applications.
> >t: 917.749.0910
> >
> >------ Forwarded Message
> >From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
> >Decision is here:
> >4d24.pdf
> >
> >---
> >
> >http://news.com.com/2100-1023-962761.html
> >
> >     Judge: Disabilities Act doesn't cover Web
> >     By Declan McCullagh
> >     October 21, 2002, 11:17 AM PT
> >
> >     A federal judge ruled Friday that Southwest
> Airlines does not have to
> >     revamp its Web site to make it more accessible
> to the blind.
> >
> >     In the first case of its kind, U.S. District
> Judge Patricia Seitz said
> >     the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
> applies only to physical
> >     spaces such as restaurants and movie theaters
> and not to the Internet.
> >
> >     "To expand the ADA to cover 'virtual' spaces
> would be to create new
> >     rights without well-defined standards," Seitz
> wrote in a 12-page
> >     opinion dismissing the case. "The plain and
> unambiguous language of
> >     the statute and relevant regulations does not
> include Internet Web
> >     sites."
> >
> >     [...]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and
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> >
> >------ End of Forwarded Message
> >
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> Noreen Y. Whysel
> Information Architect
> nwhysel at hotmail.com
> http://www.geocities.com/whysel
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> Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN
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