[Sigia-l] Usability in Fancy Clothes?

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Sun Oct 20 09:18:57 EDT 2002

At 06:17 PM 20-10-02, Andrew H Otwell wrote:
>Well, I think that was a quote from www.usabilitymustdie.com, a site run by
>a programmer, and not a comment made by someone on this list.
>Probably not much argument from our little fenced-in garden here at SIGIA on
>this point.  Too bad usabilitymustdie.com doesn't allow comments.

Ask, and you shall receive... :)

I'd hate for an interesting thread like this to expire without some 
interesting comments, so I've created an entry on Webword where you can 
post comments to your heart's content, and Chris *will* respond.

It's on the home page of www.webword.com or if you want to go directly to 
the entry, the URL is: http://webword.com/weblog/001024.html

Go on, blast away. :p



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Madhu Menon
Internet User Experience Consultant

Content * Interfaces * Usability * Net Strategy

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