[Sigia-l] "Usability Must Die"?

Dr. Pittas Marios marios at pittas-associates.com
Sat Oct 19 02:09:47 EDT 2002

> calling something 99% bad and waiting for the check to arrive to change
your mind. ;-)


Maybe you are right at hinting that the Mr. Chris McEvoy seems to also have
a problem with the fat paycheck that consultants often get.. On another
dimension also have a look @ "A succotash of projections and insights" by
Marc Retting (in "Practical Programming" from May 1992 - Communications of
the ACM vol 35. no. 5, pp. 25~30) for an insight of team dynamics based on
the different mode of engagement of usability personel with the development
team.. (on-request vs. continuous involvement).

> But we all know the best one is wearing a white coat

White coats are very similar to stray-jackets! You should be able to find at
least one white coat when you see at least one stray jacket! :-) Who knows,
maybe it works the other way round too? :-0

Have a good weekend


-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On Behalf Of
Sent: 19 October 2002 11:54
To: sigia-l
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] "Usability Must Die"?

"Dr. Pittas Marios" wrote:

> Talking to users is great. Testing with users is exceptionally great!!!

I also find not letting users design pretty good, too. :-)

But we all know the best one is wearing a white coat, calling something 99%
bad and waiting for the check to arrive to change your mind. ;-)



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