[Sigia-l] URLs must live forever? Poor man's content negotiation?

Patrick Neeman pat at nexisinteractive.com
Fri Oct 18 00:18:16 EDT 2002

> +Impose a new directory structure which is rational from a user
> standpoint.
> Bicycle information and water system information would be under
> "bicycles"
> and "water" respectively, instead of both split between "books" and
> "articles." Coliform water quality information would be at
> <http://www.oasisdesign.net/water/coliform.htm>

Not to seem I'm out of touch, but with the high traffic sites i've been involved with, when we presented the idea of human readable
URLs, users didn't use them, except in a very few cases. Most of them went to the home page or a selected bookmark.

Patrick Neeman
pat at nexisinteractive.com <mailto:pat at nexisinteractive.com>
949 643-0910 land
949 633-3054 cell
949 215-1659 fax

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