[Sigia-l] Quotes from the Movie

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Thu Oct 17 19:00:49 EDT 2002

Q U O T E S   F R O M

T H E   M O V I E   " J A W S "

I N   W H I C H   " S H A R K "

I S   R E P L A C E D   B Y

" J A K O B  N I E L S E N . " 

- - - -

"In recent days a cloud has appeared on the horizon at this beautiful
resort community; a cloud in the shape of a killer Jakob Nielsen."

"Understand you're having a little Jakob Nielsen trouble?"

"You yell 'barracuda,' everyone says, 'Huh? What?' -- You yell 'Jakob
Nielsen,' we've got a panic on our hands on the 4th of July."

"Don't know what that bastard Jakob Nielsen's gonna do with it. Might
eat it I suppose."

"I'm not saying that this is not a Jakob Nielsen. It probably is,
Martin. It probably is."

"All this machine does is swim and eat and make little Jakob Nielsens." 

"Why don't we have one more drink and go down there and cut that Jakob
Nielsen open?"

"You go inside the cage, cage goes into the water, you go in the water,
Jakob Nielsen in the water; our Jakob Nielsen?"

"And the idea was, Jakob Nielsen comes to the nearest man, that man, he
starts poundin' and hollerin' and screamin', sometimes the Jakob Nielsen
go away, sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that Jakob Nielsen he
looks right into ya, right into your eyes. And another thing about that
Jakob Nielsen. He's got lifeless eyes -- black eyes -- like a doll's
eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites

"So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred sixteen men
come out. Jakob Nielsen took the rest, June 29, 1945."

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