[Sigia-l] Standardized site design for non profit orgs

robin mcpherson robin at original-individuals.com
Fri Nov 22 14:01:43 EST 2002

sorry for any confusion..

The biggest problem that I see is that each levels of the organization 
offers different services and have different goals and missions.  With a 
centralized site I am not sure how it would be possible to meet the needs 
of each level.

The national level's focus is as an information provider, working on 
national events and initiatives and providing information support to both 
provincial and local levels.  The provincial level operates as a lobby 
group, they work with their provincial health care system, work on 
provincial initiatives and provide provincial information to the local 
levels.  The local level provides the direct services to the public, their 
goals and services are set by the needs of each community.

The relationship between the levels is often difficult and very often the 
larger provincial levels - the ones with more money -steamroll over the 
smaller ones and their goals.  My experience with the levels has been one 
full of every man for themselves and as much as I like to think of myself 
as an optimist I can only see disaster ahead.


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