[Sigia-l] NYC UPA Meeting 12/3

Ilise Benun, (201) 653-0783 ibenun at optonline.net
Wed Nov 20 11:33:28 EST 2002

Designing Great Stuff That People Love:
Going beyond usability to meet users practical, emotional and hedonic needs.
With Dr. Patrick W. Jordan, Contemporary Trends Institute

When: Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2002, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Cost: $10 for NYC-UPA Members, $20 for non-members, $5 for full-time
Where: McGraw Hill, 1221 Avenue of the Americas (@ 48th St.) 2nd floor
RSVP to rsvp at nycupa.org
More info here: www.nycupa.org
Questions: Judy at 212-874-4653.

Ilise Benun
author of "Self Promotion Online"

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