[Sigia-l] URLs and brands

Beth Mazur bowseat at mazur.com
Mon Nov 18 22:43:13 EST 2002

Damien wrote:

>So I apologise for the length, but summarize by saying, look at the current
>structure of the brand identity.
>Is it monolithic, or and endorsed identity? If it is monolithic, then the
>slash concept or subdomains are a possibility.
>If the parent organization supports an endorsed structure, then you need to
>look at how each group will support and build their separate brands. 

Thanks for the explanation and the length. Our offline brand strategy is
definitely monolithic. That, and an article on ClickZ* (thanks Jay for the
suggestion!), helped me feel we weren't totally off track on our 
preference for a URL strategy of the foo.com/bar style. BTW, this is
from a *promotional* perspective. Our plans are to support the URLs
folks will type but our question was really about what we'd use in our

Beth Mazur
IDblog: http://idblog.org
beth at idblog.org

* http://www.clickz.com/brand/brand_mkt/article.php/1013811

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