[Sigia-l] The Menace

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Thu Nov 14 15:17:48 EST 2002

> your direct followup you called me a liar

Karl! I need you to carefully (& slowly) read what has been written
before getting overtly-defensive. I never called you a liar.

I indicated how AIfIA is falsely presenting themselves as representative
of the larger IA community when clearly it is not. This is a
misrepresentation (a lie). You however, share in that lie.

Truth be known, AIfIA promotes only the views of a tiny group of people
-- views which, (by the way), are so poorly presented as to give the
larger IA community a black-eye simply through the horrible
presentation, never mind the inaccurate content.

That key Board members of the group have published books and promote
ideas that are dead-wrong, and refuse to discuss them, further prompts
one to a call-to-arms.

In short, I cannot accept bad ideas coming together privately, then
publicly airing those ideas as representative of the greater community
-- especially when those ideas are so self-serving!

If you want to be entirely self-serving -- do it own your own time --
like Peter M has recently done -->

The Definition of Information Architecture (November 14, 2002)

There you can get advice indicating that if you want to know more about
IA, you can buy a book, or purchase membership in the author's

It is notable the above author does not refer to SIGIA as a place one
could find out about IA. The author must have no personal influence over
SIGIA, which suggests SIGIA may be impartial. Therefore SIGIA, according
to the author, may not a good place to learn about IA since the author
exerts no influence there -- the author presuming himself as the
end-all-and-be-all of IA.

I, for one, will continue to fight against these conveyors of
misrepresentation, (I find it necessary), and I know success will
eventually be won, as I am confident in the victory of good over evil.


"Arm-in-arm, with arms."

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