[Sigia-l] The Menace

Chris Chandler chrischandler67 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 14 08:58:59 EST 2002

Derek R wrote:

> Here's a tip: Why don't you try changing the subject
and/or creating or
> publicizing distractions? That sometimes works.  Or try to
wax indignant
> (also known as the 'how dare you?' gambit) -- oh, you guys
> implemented those particular truth-suppression techniques!

What "truth" would that be Derek? That there are cliques and
hierarchy, and *gasp* leaders within social groups? Gee,
thanks for the newsflash.

I for one would like to thank you for your under-appreciated
work on behalf of the "real IA community," the
"silent-majority" that you imply but don't quite claim to
You're like Luke Skywalker or something, and I can only hope
you'll be rewarded once the Rebel Alliance defeats the Evil


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