[Sigia-l] time-out session lengths, security, and user tasks

Christy Mylks christy at cognetics.com
Mon Nov 11 19:41:49 EST 2002


Yes. There are good reasons for having a time-out period, given current 
technology and server/DB processes, even though it's not ideal from a 
user's POV. I suppose the gist of the question is, given that we're trying 
to balance the reasons for session length and set the dial on the correct 
number, it seems we have "marketing, task, and other reasons" vs. "server 
drag" vs. "security reasons".  Perhaps what we need is a good resource to 
turn to for help in finding this balance. Any clue as to websites to check 
for security and/or time-out related data?

As a note, we normally have no reason to doubt the technical team's 
position on their security requirements, except: 1) they're fairly new to 
the web and may need a nudge of guidance and 2) they may be setting greater 
security than is required by the site contents because of their greater 
role in protecting that data. (We'll naturally have to have a joint 
discussion about this. )

At 06:16 PM 11/11/2002, Listera wrote:
>Now there's no technical reason why this "session" cannot be maintained
>indefinitely, even on a secure site. However, for reasons of security,
>workflow, mandated expiration, marketing, tracking, server workflow, etc.,
>the session is often expired after an 'appropriate' period, usually to be
>re-started at the next login.
>There's utterly and absolutely no "industry standard" for how long a session
>should be kept alive. There are many technical and non-technical reasons as
>to why one number may be better than another.

Christy Mylks, Usability Analysis and Design
Cognetics Corporation
christy at cognetics.com

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