[Sigia-l] question(s) about faceted metadata for use in an extranet...

donnamarie at oneimage.com donnamarie at oneimage.com
Thu Nov 7 09:39:23 EST 2002

Hi Jason,
One downside of the file method you mentioned is
that it would not be very extensible.  I'm not sure what the objectives of
your project are, but the number of metadata attributes that you may wish to
use can grow fairly quickly and I can't imagine a file method that would
accommodate more than a few (of course, I might be totally misunderstanding
your approach!)
    Good Luck!
        Donna Fritzsche

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 18:19:29 -0800 Jason.Karls at EddieBauer.com wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm working on an extranet project that would
> have users posting 'final'
> content/images that would then be viewable in a
> web interface.
> There are discussions on my team that would
> have two methods of posting to
> this extranet.
>      1) all the attributes are tied directly to
> file via an established
> folder hierarchy and a strict naming convention
>      and/or
>      2) the attributes are defined via a web
> form where users enter them
> and save them as a project
> We've done some of the pros/cons and are in the
> process of determining
> which may be best.  Of course all this info
> winds up in a DB that can be
> viewed/sliced anyway the user wants (web
> interface), but I'm really trying
> to find the easiest way that posters will be
> able to feed the sucker!
> So, my question to the list is:
>      Has anyone found that web forms are
> positive/negative for adding new
> items to an extranet
>      What are your thoughts/experience tying
> the attributes directly to a
> file in an existing folder structure and then
> building the web interface
> around that
> Let me know your thoughtS!  Feel free to im me
> on messenger @
> jason.karls at eddiebauer.com  (oh no--be gentle
> w/ the spam ;)
> -jason
> ___________________
> Jason Karls
> Interface Designer
> Eddie Bauer
> voice: 425.755.6511
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