[Sigia-l] taxonomy tools

Anita Johnson arjohnso at students.uiuc.edu
Tue May 28 17:43:47 EDT 2002

Hi there -

Those of you working on thesaurus development/content management 
terminology/classification schemas may find the Controlled Vocabularies 
Resources site out of Queensland University to be helpful: 
http://www2.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/middle/cont_voc.html  Also, check the 
'other compilations' links at the bottom of the page.

The book (previously mentioned) Thesaurus Construction and Use: A Practical 
Manual has an excellent collection of weblinks for further reading. If you 
want to see the nitty gritty of thesaurus development you may want to take a 
look at the industry standard: NISO's Z39.14 (Rev.1998) Guidelines for the 
Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Thesauri at: 

For the more theoretically minded, and if you really really want to know about 
many of the significant issues regarding the organization of information in 
print and online, and from a 'systems approach' see: Elaine Svenonius' The 
Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization (2000) from MIT Press, 
ISBN 0262194333   I remember paying around $45 for it.

Anita Johnson
MS Candidate, Library & Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

>===== Original Message From work at mantruc.com, work at mantruc.com =====
>Thanks a lot for helping.
>These are the answeres I recieved:
>Todd Levy wrote:
>  > Hey there -
>  >
>  > Since this has been the most interesting question on this mailing list
>  > for as long as I can remember, I've come out of a very long lurk.
>  >
>  > I can't really answer the questions about controlled vocabs, but I do
>  > have some insights into the more theoretical stuff below.
>  >
>  >> a taxonomy consists of a hierarchical tree, where on every terminal
>  >> point there is a special type of node where I can attach my keywords
>  >> (terms) and associate the content. Each node's label is also a
>  >> keyword in itself.
>  >
>  >
>  > 1)- Is this model right?
>  >
>  > Essentially, yes.
>  >
>  > Most taxonomy arguments start over the difference between your basic
>  > taxonomy, which is just classification according to a pre-determined
>  > system, and pure taxonomy, separating elements of a group (taxon) into
>  > subgroups (taxa) that are mutually exclusive, unambiguous, and taken
>  > together, include all possibilities.
>  >
>  > Next people argue over hierarchical or not. Some are hierarchical, like
>  > a family tree or the animal kingdom (also pure). Others are not
>  > hierarchical, like IKEA Stores, the Lands End catalog, and most Web
>  >
>  > FWIW, the example below isn't de facto hierarchical as you could
>  > accurately present it as...
>  >
>  >     -Music
>  >         -Bands
>  >             -Pop
>  >             -Rock
>  >         -Solo Artists
>  >             -Pop
>  >             -Rock
>  >
>  > ... even though I personal prefer your original model.
>  >
>  >> 2)- Can the higher level nodes also have related
>  >> keywords and articles?
>  >
>  >
>  > Yes, although some people do not do a good job of building Web pages to
>  > accurately distinguish the drill-down portion of the page from the
>  > related content portion.
>  >
>  >> 3)- Do each of my tree's nodes have to be unique?
>  >> Can some structures be repeated in this fashion?:
>  >
>  >
>  >     -Music
>  >         -Rock
>  >             -Bands
>  >             -Solo Artists
>  >         -Pop
>  >             -Bands
>  >             -Solo Artists
>  >
>  > No, and Sure. The nodes don't HAVE to be anything. And you CAN repeat
>  > whatever you'd like. See above re: pure and not pure.
>  >
>  > I'm not sure if you're familiar with faceted classification, but that
>  > may be work exploring for you contents.
>  >
>  > Music Items
>  >
>  > * Genres
>  >   - Rock | Pop
>  >
>  > * Performer Types:
>  >   - Solo Artists | Bands
>  >
>  > Definitely check out the Flamenco Image Browser
>  > http://bailando.sims.berkeley.edu/flamenco.html
>Adam Doerr wrote:
>[ snipped some stuff that Adam didn't feel confident enough to share to
>the list because it?s also his first attempt, but this comment is
>important ]
>  > It's unfortunate how few good resources there are in this area, at
>  > least that I've found. There are library science resources, but very
>  > little info on actually applying the principles. Let me know if you
>  > find any good ones - best I've found so far is Thesaurus Construction
>  > and Use: A Practical Manual, which basically a library science
>  > textbook (expensive, too!), but it does cover some of these systems.
>  > Unfortunately, very little applied info.
>Kathryn Lewellen wrote:
>  > Terminology can get very confusing when talking about
>  > taxonomies-for example, taxonomies are controlled
>  > vocabularies. Thesauri are controlled vocabularies
>  > that leverage synonymous, associative and hierarchical
>  > relationships.  Keywords are all together different,
>  > at least in my mind.  You bring up a lot of questions
>  > that  are difficult to clarify in an email.  You're
>  > welcome to call me if your questions aren't answered
>  > by other listers (work number is 919 990-9407).
>  >
>  > here's a post from the archives that may help:
>  > http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/0111/0075.html
>javier velasco wrote: [original question]
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I'm finally having the chance to design a taxonomy, and I've run into
> > some questions along the way. I hope some of you can help me with these
> > questions:
> >
> > If I have understood correctly, a taxonomy consists of a hierarchical
> > tree, where on every terminal point there is a special type of node
> > where I can attach my keywords (terms) and associate the content. Each
> > node's label is also a keyword in itself.
> >
> > 1)- Is this model right?
> >
> > 2)- Can the higher level nodes also have related keywords and articles?
> >
> > 3)- Do each of my tree's nodes have to be unique?
> >
> >     Can some structures be repeated in this fashion?:
> >
> >     -Music
> >         -Rock
> >             -Bands
> >             -Solo Artists
> >         -Pop
> >             -Bands
> >             -Solo Artists
> >
> > The other issue that most confuses me is the way this works next to a
> > Controlled Vocabulary / Thesaurus.
> >
> > For what I've undesrstood so far, these are basically lists of preferred
> > terms (a dictionary with no definitions). A thesaurus has a more robust
> > set of rules to establish relationships between terms.
> >
> > 4)- How do you make these two elements work toghether?
> >
> > Dizzily yours...
> >
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