[Sigia-l] Political party site

Cunliffe D J (Comp) djcunlif at glam.ac.uk
Thu May 23 11:23:56 EDT 2002

Hello Marie, Listers,

A political party here in Wales has just had to publicly apologise for
humorous material on its Web site which made fun of one of the most deprived
areas of the UK. You may want to avoid humour - and offensiveness :-)


Be seeing you,


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Marie Green [SMTP:marie.green at granitt.biz]
> Sent:	Thursday, May 23, 2002 10:35 AM
> To:	sigia-l at asis.org
> Subject:	[Sigia-l] Political party site
> I'm about to embark on the design of a site for a political party. Does
> anyone have any words of wisdom, experiences to share, things I should
> watch
> out for in addition to the usual myriad things?
> Marie
> --------------------------------------------
> Marie M. Green
> Human Factors & Usability Specialist
> Mobile + 47 90 75 57 80
> Tel + 47 69 18 32 40
> marie.green at hcd.no
> Human Centred Design
> Hjortsbergvn 8. 1784 Halden. NORWAY
> --------------------------------------------
> Content Management Symposium, Chicago O'Hare Marriott, June 28 - 30.
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