[Sigia-l] ASIS&T Seattle Summer BBQ

Melissa Riesland riesland65 at yahoo.com
Wed May 22 16:58:11 EDT 2002

The ASIS&T Seattle Reading Group is celebrating
the end of our reading year and the beginning of
summer with a potluck BBQ...

WHEN?? Tuesday, June 11th
       (Think Sun)

WHERE?? Beautiful Ballard!
WHO?? All ASIS&T members, significant others,
reading groupees, iSchool mentees, and other
associated persons.

RSVP Deadline: Monday, June 3!

We provide the grilling goods and simple
beverages (water, coffee).

You bring a side dish or dessert and your own
preferred beverages (beer and wine OK).

Please RSVP indicating
--number attending
--what you'll be bringing
--your grilling preference (meat, chicken, fish,
or vegetarian)

Directions will be provided when RSVPs are

RSVP and questions to Melissa
Riesland(riesland65 at yahoo.com)


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