[Sigia-l] The Poetics of Information Architecture

Brian Christiansen list at briandigital.com
Mon May 13 14:21:33 EDT 2002

The Poetics of Information Architecture, an article by Matthew Garber

I stumbled upon this short article on the Communication Arts' network site 
"DesignInteract" today, and thought it was a way to explain IA, without 
the cold jargony business feeling. Mr, Garber thinks describes it with 
more of a purposeful, artistic feeling. A feeling that makes you feel as 
if being an IA, you're really a part of something bigger. An "Invisible 

Thoughts on this take on the field's work?

A snippet:
"Become the work. For sites to reach their full potential, information 
architects must become the work and create form from chaos. In order to 
reach this fertile state of creativity, courageous IAs must give up their 
pseudo-scientific delusions and make a visionary leap inside the project."

Coming from a "creative" background, this take on the field feels good to 
me, personally.
Apologies if you already saw this a couple months back when it came out. 
Otherwise, enjoy.

~brian christiansen

[ http://briandigital.com ]

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