[Sigia-l] Call for Quotations

Arnie Lund alund at sapient.com
Mon May 6 12:51:14 EDT 2002

The author was ME!  :-)  "Know thy user, and you are not thy user."  Was the
number 1 principle that emerged from a prioritized list of "rules of
thumb"/hueristics used by expert designers when designing easy to use,
useful, and satisfying applications!


-----Original Message-----
From: Samantha Bailey [mailto:a2slb at earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 11:30 AM
To: Andrew Hinton; sigia-l
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Call for Quotations

Here are a few I keep posted in my office at all times:

KNOW the user. Know that you are NOT the user. (this came from a research
paper I read once, but I didn't note the author, sorry about that)

The key feature of any site should be restraint. -Flanders & Willis

You ask about the important things to keep in mind: same as ever, with a
task-based twist: what are the users trying to accomplish, what does the
business need them to successfully accomplish, and what will the technology
allow? If you can balance these three forces, you'll have a solid
product. -Christina Wodtke

First: the best is the enemy of the good, trying to be perfect or trying to
meet infinite context will both make you crazy and make you miss your launch
date. The only thing to do is to create a product for your users. Not "The
User" but the specific audience for whom your product is
intended. -Christina Wodtke

In surgery, as in anything else, skill, judgment and confidence are learned
through experience, haltingly and humiliatingly. -Atul Gawande

Do or do not. There is no try. -Yoda

Samantha Bailey
samantha at baileysorts.com | http://baileysorts.com

"Do you know what that trick is? Magicians would call it the redirection.
A theologian would note that it parallels a theme found in all religions:
the paradox of turning away from the goal to achieve the goal."
-Karl Fast

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Hinton <ahinton at symetri.com>
To: sigia-l <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: [Sigia-l] Call for Quotations

I'm gathering quotations that are in any way related to IA that people in
the community have found inspirational, enlightening, helpful or explanatory
for their work.

These don't have to be from "information architects"... It could be anyone
from Plato to Buckminster Fuller. Really anything related to architecture,
design, communication, etc. that is in some way enlightening to you as an IA
is fine. I'm looking for tons of them.

Of course, note who said or wrote it, and if possible the source (if

Unless you really want to reply to the whole group, just reply to me and
I'll post the collection in a week or two.


:: s y m e t r i ::
andrew.hinton ÷ information.architecture ÷ ahinton at symetri.com

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